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Give Food & Shelter to the ones
Who really needed

Aenean lobortis gravida ante, at convallis ligula viverra a. Fusce sit amet porttitor neque. Morbi velit lorem, molestie nec vehicula blandit, ullamcorper eu odio. Donec tempus congue nunc consectetur rhoncus. Donec congue erat vel nisl blandit

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What We Do

VCare is a non-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of the needful people in different aspects of their life

Elderly Welfare

VCare provides welfare and livelihood support to the elderly people. Vcare takes care of the health and other welfare activities of these people so that they can progress in their life and can uplift their lives and lead a happy life

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Pilgrim Assistance

VCare provides families and destitute individuals with customized assistance in organizing tickets and stay needed for their religious travel and at the same time giving a spiritual experience, so that pilgrims return home deeply enriched in mind and soul.

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Business and Technology

VCare will reach out to local businesses which are looking for ways to grow online. VCare will start educating on different options and methods in building online presence starting out with a simple hosting and sub-domainn for the new website for free.

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About Our VCare

VCare is an association form for the upliftment of the society by providing help in different aspects,VCare will reach out to local businesses which are looking for ways to grow online. By providing websites VCare will drive the awareness amongst the local business owners to see the importance of online existence of their company without worrying much about the technical aspects related to building a simple website.

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Urgent Causes

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eget mi diam. Nulla viverra vestibulum felis, nec sagittis urna condimentum ut. Integer eu lorem sed tortor luctus commodoThere are not found urgent causes

You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you.

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Upcoming Events

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eget mi diam. Nulla viverra vestibulum felis, nec sagittis urna condimentum ut. Integer eu lorem sed tortor luctus commodoThere are not found Upcoming Events

Latest News

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eget mi diam. Nulla viverra vestibulum felis, nec sagittis urna condimentum ut. Integer eu lorem sed tortor luctus commodo

Nullam placerat massa et

Fusce faucibus sed leo nec ultrices. Etiam nec ex vitae ligula porttitor imperdiet imrdiet eget leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis…

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Suspisseet magna in nunc

Fusce faucibus sed leo nec ultrices. Etiam nec ex vitae ligula porttitor imperdiet imrdiet eget leo. Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis…

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Our Sponsors

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Morbi eget mi diam. Nulla viverra vestibulum felis, nec sagittis urna condimentum ut. Integer eu lorem sed tortor luctus commodo